If you would like to make a pledge to St. John’s contribution, please contact the church office by Monday, March 24, 2025. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO WLM AUXILIARY.  To learn more about the great work of the auxiliary, click here



             The St. John’s congregation aims to provide financial support to three local organizations this Christmas season. We also wish to inspire thoughtful generosity from anyone living or working in the Grimsby area to donate to these organizations as well. We challenge the residents, business owners, service clubs, faith groups and other organizations in Grimsby to donate to the Grimsby Gives campaign. We hope to generate $10000 for this campaign. Will you take up the challenge?



                There are many organizations who serve the Grimsby community in meaningful ways. For 2024, St. John’s has chosen to give financial support to the Grimsby Benevolent Fund (GBF), McNally House Hospice, and the Fort Resources for Teens.

Grimsby Benevolent Fund- Click here to learn about GBF

McNally House Hospice-Click here to learn about MCNALLY HOUSE HOSPICE

FORT- Click here to learn about FORT


                You can contribute to Grimsby Gives by directly donating to the GBF, McNally House, and/or the FORT. While donating, mark your contribution with “Grimsby Gives” so that we can see the sum of our town’s contributions. Every gift, whether you may see it as small or large, makes a difference. When you contribute to Grimsby Gives, you are giving support to neighbours and friends. Please consider how you can give to Grimsby this Christmas. The campaign runs until December 31, 2024.



                For 192 years, St. John’s Presbyterian Church has been a faithful presence in the Grimsby community. Throughout our history, our members have advocated for those facing discrimination, welcomed refugees, comforted those through grief and loss, celebrated joyful moments, raised money for local national and international causes, and worked alongside local organizations who serve the Grimsby community. We value our neighbours. In 2022 it became apparent that maintaining our church property on Mountain St. in Grimsby would soon be beyond our financial means. In 2023, the St. John’s congregation decided to continue as a congregation, but to sell our church property. We would rather invest our resources in helping other people than an aging building. On June 25, 2024, St. John’s church building and manse were sold. That month, St. John’s moved into our present home within the Trinity United Church building in Grimsby. We set aside a small portion of the proceeds to gift to local organizations. So, as a legacy from our old church home on Mountain St., this year we are gifting $10000 to the GBF, $5000 to McNally House and $5000 to the Grimsby FORT. As Christians, we believe it is essential to be compassionate and generous to people in need. We hope you will be a partner in this next chapter of St. John’s story by taking part in Grimsby Gives this year.